Thursday, September 16, 2010

Please Help Our Homeless Friends - Adopt Them

I am happy at my house, help my homeless brothers and sisters.

•Each year, more than 4 million dogs end up in shelters and breed rescue organizations. Pedigree created The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive to help shine a spotlight on the plight of these homeless dogs.

•This year the PEDIGREE Adoption Drive is raising awareness for homeless dogs by donating a bowl of food to shelter dogs for everyone who becomes a “Fan” or “Likes” The PEDIGREE Adoption Drive on Facebook. So far more than 1 million bowls have been donated.

•Special for BlogPaws West: For each blog that posts about the PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive through September 19th, PEDIGREE® will donate a bag of their new Healthy Longevity Food for Dogs to shelters nationwide. It’s simple: Write a post, help a dog.

•Thursday, September 16 through Sunday, September 19, the Pedigree BlogPaws bloggers will host a Blog Hop, to help raise awareness for the “Write a post, help a dog” effort.

Life With Dogs Pedigree Blog Hop

Pedigree Face Book - Be A Friend Feed A Rockin Dog

Remy and Flash


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Pawesome job!!!

We've got khomfy homes and kibbled tummies...

Dogs Rule
Reskhue Rokhs


jen said...

Just stopping by on the hop to say hello!
Your sibes are beautiful.

Roscoe said...

You are wooftastic!!!! I is glad to see others helping our shelter cousins!

giant wet kisses!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Wonderful post!! Dogs Rule!! We have a great home but so many others don't...they all need homes! Lots of love, Holly and mom

The Army of Four said...

All my mom can think about when she sees you is wanting to run her hands through your coat. What a strange, strange mom I have!
Great post!
Play bows,

Life With Dogs said...

Thank you so much for being a part of this! Dogs rule, but dog lovers run a close second! :)

K9 Katastrophie said...

Oh thank you for helping udder puppies! I must say you are very captivating! But you really don't look like you did when you were a puppy!


K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi Sychos!!! Mommy keeps coming back to look at Remy when he was young... He is so cuuuuute! His eyebrows are very different!! HEEHEEE!! BWAHHAAAAAAA!! *SIGH* He is soo handsome...

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