Wednesday, May 11, 2011

November Rain

Ummm .... Dad, you do realize that it is May and that these photos were probably taken in January or February, right?  Oh well never let the facts get in the way of some photos of us.

I am on the prowl, this is my house.

I will shield you from your illegal activities guys, carry on.

Remy playing with our friend Chevy.

Chevy using me as Shelter From The Storm.

Uh, Dad ..... It is getting a little muddy out here and if you are not going to entertain us then we are outa here.


At least I can make a muddy mess of the house, I will be moving to the sofa soon.

This is much more like it.

Remy and Flash


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Remy and Flash, can I please come play in your mud?

Woos ~ Ciara

TimberLove said...

great pics! we think mud comes in a close second to snow...

RA & Isis

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Wonderful pictures!!! Remy and Flash, you have the perfect playground and then to bring it in to the house is even better!!! Lots of love, Holly

K9 Katastrophie said...

Hi dere! What fun! mud!


The Army of Four said...

Hey that's cool that you got to have a friend over!
Did you guys do the shakety-shake-shake when you came in the house after playing in the mud? That sort of thing really excites my mom!
Play bows,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo are SOOOOO ripped off!

PeeEssWoo: Oh how I wish I khould be there too!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Hi! We came by via Wild Dingo's bloggie - your name intrigued us, and while we are goldendoodles, we too have a great love of snow (although that mud pit you are in looks a bit like our backyard now.... we live in the mountains, and while our snowpack finally melted a couple of weeks ago, we got snow last night - which turned in to lovely mud.... which meant Mom took us to daycare today....)! We'll be back to read more about your adventures!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

TimberLove said...

BOL! We love it when mates come to visit, hope you enjoyed your time in the mud:) Play bows,

RA & Isis

Yas said...

Wow! That looks like loads of fun!!


FiveSibesMom said...

Ohhhhh, BOL, that last photo is the best! Such a Sibe thing to do! Your February yard looks just like our May yard here with all the rain we've been having. And yes, for some reason the muddier the Sibes get, the more they want to come in and run around the house and jump on the couch and bed...hmmmm...think they are getting even with us for sticking them out in the mud? I don't think they realize we don't control the snow...although, at times like these, I think we wish we could make it snow! Enjoy the mud, pups!

Khady Lynn said...

Oh my! All that mud looks like so much fun!!! Did you shake as soon as you got in the house and splash water all over? That's always fun too!

Holly & Khady

Anonymous said...

that bed sheet should be BROWN! my dog that's a muddy yard! and a p.o'd looking husky in the rain! LOL!

Shane Kent Louis said...

Nice shots of photos! what a fun on playing on mud with friends! that was really Great! :)

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Unknown said...

Nice shots of photos.well done..
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Unknown said...

Sometimes he is looking like happy and now in last pic he is looking very sad ? :D
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Unknown said...

Hi dere! What fun! mud!
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Unknown said...

Such nice post you shared with us.Thanks buddy :)
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Anonymous said...

Well done buddy.just keep it up.
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jaamesalone said...

Great post.What a fun there !!!
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